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Services for students and faculty members

Reference services

Reference Services provides reference and research assistance to students, faculty and community users. In-person assistance is available at the Reference Desk on the 2ed floor.

Interlibrary Loan

HUE faculty and students can use the interlibrary loan service, if the material needed for your research is not held by the library. You may submit and manage your Interlibrary Loan requests online.

Request for a book purchase for the Students

We welcome your suggestions for additions to the collections. You may complete the form to request the purchase of a book.

Library Instruction

We offer library instruction to aid students in searching for information. Please contact library staff to request instruction.

My Library

Library web services → Log in

  • Check status of loan
  • Renewal due date
  • Reservation
  • Interlibrary Loan request

Users who have a "Daigaku kyoiku Joho System" ID and password, can use these as your login ID and password in the My Library system.
You need to apply to the library desk for use of the reservation, request photocopy and loan services. Other services are available without an application.

Letter of Introduction

If you wish to consult an item in the Library of another institution, our library will issue you with a Letter of Introduction to the other library. It will issued for current students, faculty and staff. Please ask at the Reference Desk.

Internet Access

Wireless (or wired) LAN access services are available throughout the reading room on the 2nd floor. LAN access requires HUE members to log in using their HUE ID and password.

Borrowing a laptop

Laptops may only be provided to current students with a valid student Card from the service desk.

  • Laptops are for in-library use only.
  • Laptops may be borrowed for 1 day.
  • Bring your own flash drive to save your files.

『READING WELL特別編―リーダーから贈る本―』はweb版ブックガイドです。田口哲学長のほか、キャンパス長、図書館長などの先生方に新たに図書のご推薦をお願いしたところ、熱意ある推薦文とともに約70冊もの図書が揃いました。



