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Using the library for faculty members and students

Library Card

Library services can be used on the basis of a valid student identification card or Library Card. Please apply at the service desk to register as a library user if you do not have one of these (adjunct and part-time lecturers, nondegree students, special auditors etc.).

How to find books?

  • Books are arranged according to the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) , first according to subject and then by call number order.
  • The library's holdings can be searched in the online catalog.
    1.Find the location of the book from online catalog.
    2. Take note of the book’s status (on shelf, in circulation, due date to be returned).
    3. Write down or remember the book’s call mark and location.
  • Library materials located on open shelves may be used in the reading rooms without the assistance of a staff.
  • In order to read Library materials from the stacks, the user must submit a precisely completed call slip.

Borrowing & returning

Books can be borrowed from the service desk with the help of library staff. The self service machine can be used to borrow books independently.

Number and period of borrowing


Number Period renewals
Books 10 vols 2 weeks Up to 3 times
School textbooks

Faculty members & Graduates

Number Period renewals
Books 30 vols 1 month Up to 2 times
Periodicals 2 weeks Up to 3 times
School textbooks

Non-Lending materials : Reference books, the current issue of periodicals, newspapers, school teacher's manuals, audio-visual materials.

Please return your materials before or on the due date. Penalties such as the suspension of borrowing apply when loaned materials are overdue.

Self Service photocopier

  • There is a prepaid card-type machine in library. Copy cards can be purchased at the university cooperative store.
  • Materials can be copied in part (within the range of copyright laws) solely for personal use, such as for study and research. Please observe all copyright laws when making copies of any items in the library.

Using the audio-visual room

Audio-visual materials are available for use in the audio-visual room. If you want to use, please ask staff at the service desk.

Library rules

  • You may not disturb other users with your behavior.
  • It is forbidden to bring food into the Library. The only drink permitted in the Library is water in a container with a non-spill cap.
  • Mobile phones must be switched to 'silent' mode. Conversations on mobile phones must be held outside of the Library.
  • The borrower will be held responsible for all material taken out in his or her name, and may not lend such material to other people.
  • Any user losing or irreparably damaging a book is liable for replacing the books.

『READING WELL特別編―リーダーから贈る本―』はweb版ブックガイドです。田口哲学長のほか、キャンパス長、図書館長などの先生方に新たに図書のご推薦をお願いしたところ、熱意ある推薦文とともに約70冊もの図書が揃いました。



